Anderson wedding
JoAnn (Lawrence) Anderson (accounting '85) and Matte Anderson (mechanical engineering '86) were married in the War Memorial Chapel on June 28, 1986. While planning their wedding, the couple says they struggled with the difference between what they wanted and what they could afford, and ended up having a small wedding with family and close friends and a modest reception at their rented house. JoAnn admits she felt a little cheated at the time that she was not able to have "a big, fancy reception." But, she adds, while friends and family helped her set up for Matte's surprise 40th birthday party last year, she realized it was the same people who had set up for their wedding reception. "As life unfolds," she says, "I now realize how lucky I was to have a reception filled with the commitment and love of family and friends."

Above, JoAnn and Matte are shown on their wedding day and at left with their two daughters, Kathryn and Sarah, at their first full-family football game in fall 2000.

Toy Spatig (physical education '82) wrote to tell us her story of an upcoming Hokie wedding: "On Sept. 8, 2001, after the Virginia Tech-Western Michigan football game, my boyfriend and I were walking around on Worsham Field. After most of the players, media, press, coaches, and clean-up crew had left, Ronnie asked me if Virginia Tech, especially the football field, was one of my favorite places because he knows how much I love Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech football. After I told him how happy I was, while we were standing on the 50-yard line, he pulled out a little box and asked if he could try and make me as happy for the rest of my life. Inside the little box, of course, was a beautiful engagement ring. Of course, after I could speak again, I told him yes. We have been dating for the past nine years, and this came as a total surprise. My friends said he couldn't have done it in a more appropriate place and wanted to know if we would be married on the football field. I told them, only if we could do it during halftime!

Bob Carini (civil engineering '90) prepares to "shoot the boot" -- drink champagne from the bride's shoe on a dare from a fellow member of the VT Rugby Team -- at his May 1990 wedding as his new wife, Chelle (McGlothlin) Carini looks on in fascination.