Campaign officials announce progress

Eighteen months after publicly launching the Campaign for the Virginia Tech Alumni and Conference Center, university officials announced they have raised three-quarters of the $16.2-million goal. "With the continued support of our generous alumni, Virginia Tech is on track to complete the campaign by summer 2003," says Elizabeth Flanagan, vice president for development and university relations.

The university has recognized three people for their extraordinary support. In honor of William B. Holtzman (horticulture '59), William E. Skelton (agricultural engineering '40), and Margaret Groseclose Skelton, the new complex will now include the "Holtzman Alumni Center" and the "Skelton Conference Center."

Bill Holtzman is president and founder of Holtzman Oil Corp., the second largest employer in the Shenandoah Valley. "With all his impressive career achievements," says President Charles Steger, "Bill has never lost sight of his commitments to his community and to Virginia Tech." In addition to his extraordinary support of the alumni and conference center, he has contributed to the corps of cadets, the Virginia Tech Athletic Fund, and the Virginia Center for Civil War Studies.

Bill Skelton served as director and dean of Extension, and Peggy Skelton was faculty member and director of the Cooperative Extension Family Resource Program in what is now the College of Human Resources and Education. Since their retirement, both have continued to serve the university in countless ways.

In announcing the Skelton naming, President Steger said, "Bill and Peggy are the dynamic duo of Virginia Tech. Their ties to the university stretch back seven decades. Throughout those years, the Skeltons' unqualified support of and dedicated service to the land-grant mission of Virginia Tech has been unmatched."

Ut Prosim Society inducts new members

The Ut Prosim Society held its 16th annual black-tie dinner on April 27. With a record 136 new members and more than 600 people in attendance, the ceremony drew the largest turnout yet. This year's event also recognized charter members of the President's Circle, a distinguished group of individuals whose lifetime contributions to the university total $1 million or more. As President Steger noted during the ceremony, "Virginia Tech has always been guided by values that nurture what is the best and most enduring in it students, its faculty, and its alumni. These values are at the very heart of the Ut Prosim Society and embraced by those exceptional individuals who are charter members of the society's President's Circle. The society and the university are honored to recognize this select group for their extraordinary contributions to Virginia Tech."

    President's Circle charter members
    Anonymous Donor
    Col. Horace E. Alphin
    Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Bishop
    Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Brown
    Mr. Dale C. Carter
    Mrs. Alyce R. Cheatham
    Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cochrane Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Collie
    Mrs. Anne Heth Connor
    Mrs. Sandra C. Cupp
    Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cutchins III
    Mr. and Mrs. William M. Davenport
    Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis
    Ms. Mary Elizabeth Francis
    Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Garvin Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Grado
    Dr. and Mrs. T. Marshall Hahn Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holtzman
    Mrs. Ruth C. Horton
    Mr. and Mrs. William C. Latham
    Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lawson
    Mr. and Mrs. John P. McConnell
    Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Merryman Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Morgan Jr.
    Dr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Noffsinger
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Pamplin
    Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Pamplin Jr.
    Mrs. Jean D. Shehan
    Dr. and Mrs. William E. Skelton
    Mr. and Mrs. Garnett E. Smith
    Mr. and Mrs. James E. Turner Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. Wesley T. Worsham